HomeYear 2 & Mr Bayliss' Home LearningPhonics 19 / 01 / 21

Phonics 19 / 01 / 21


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WK 3 Numicon Fluency

Lets work on our number fluency using the Numicon bricks. How fast can you put the bricks in order? How fast can you put the bricks into odd and even numbers. How fast can you make your number bonds to 10? We only get one 5 in the pack but the children know what to do!

WK 2 Snakes & Ladders

This week our maths challenge is a take on the classic game Snakes & Ladders. You will find everything you need including a how to guide within the packs sent out on Friday 25th. Please return packs to school on Thursday 1st of October to receive the next activity!

Wk 1 Numbots

Each week Mr Bayliss will be posting a maths challenge. This week he would like to see how many children in Year 2 can beat his score on the Numbots app. You can play through, phone, tablet or online; find your login details attached to the letter that was sent home last week or stapled to the front of your reading diary. Remember, the more coins you earn the more you can upgrade your robot in the custom shack, there have been some fantastic new designs and parts added to the app over the past few weeks!

WK6 Number bonds to 20

WK 5 Connect 4

This week's game is a version of connect 4. Remember we are looking for automatic recognition of the numbers on the dice and hopefully by now... some super speedy calculations!

WK4 Bus Stop Number bonds

This week we will be continuing to practice our Number bonds to 10. Please can we all record when we are playing the game this week, who with and any comments for Mr Bayliss. Thank you.